Our Blog

The Big Brand Name Dilemma
Author: David Hines
An interesting thing has been happening in the past ten years in the musical instruments market in this country. The dominance of the industry by what we call the "big names" is lessening as more and more quality alternatives become available in Australia. I have been working in the music products industry my entire life, starting in a music store way back in 1980. Since then I have worked for some of Australia's major retailers and wholesalers representing all the "big name" brands. During the 80s, 90...
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School Instruments
Author: David Hines
Many of our customers are parents of school students who have been asked to buy an instrument for their child to play in the school band. Quite often parents are told they must buy a big name brand like a Yamaha, but these instruments are often over $700, far too much for parents to pay for something which may never develop into a long term thing. Axiom Brass and Woodwind instruments are ideal for the school student. They are well made, easy to play, and reliable. In the past twelve months we hav...

Learning to play music as an adult
Author: David Hines
So you’re an adult and you have decided you’d like to take up playing a musical instrument? Despite what you may hear from some people it really is never too late to begin playing. Personally I started lessons on violin when I was 5 years old but I have recently joined a community orchestra and there are many in the group who only began playing in their fifties, or sixties! As with any new skill learning an instrument requires real patience and commitment but the rewards are most certain...

Learning Music is Good for You!
Author: David Hines
We all know that playing a musical instrument can be a pleasurable experience for a child or adult. But there are also genuine benefits in learning to play, especially for children. Learning an instrument teaches children about delayed gratification. The violin, for example, has a steep learning curve. Before you can make a single sound, you must first learn how to hold the violin, how to hold the bow, and where to place your feet. Playing an instrument teaches kids to persevere through hours, months, and sometimes years of practice before they reach specific goals, such as...

Encouraging Kids to Practice
Author: David Hines
Once your child has received his instrument and started lessons, either privately or with a school band, it is very important that they practice regularly. Playing a musical instrument is like any other skill - it requires regular practice and rehearsal in order to master it. Just like an athlete must train regularly so a musician must practice their instrument in order to progress. ...

Axiom Ukuleles Top sellers!
Author: David Hines
We are selling so many Axiom Ukuleles and the quality is making players happy! The Ukulele boom shows no signs of slowing down, with clubs springing up all over Australia. There are plenty of budget priced Ukes out there, but how do you choose the right one for your needs? Whilst it's tempting to buy a $25 instrument from a mass merchant we'd like to suggest you consider a quality Axiom instrument...

Axiom Strings
Author: David Hines
When we decided to develop a range of strings we were faced with the decision of where to have them made. Whilst China produces some of the world's best quality instruments we felt the samples of strings we looked at was not quite up to the standard of the USA factories. So we made to decision to go with one of the most respected factories in the USA and we couldn't be happier with the result. All our strings use the very best materials, Nickel in the electric range and Phosphor Bronze in the acoustics. ...

Axiom Sponsors ASME XXth
Author: David Hines
In late September we were proud to sponsor the Australian Society of Music Educators conference in Adelaide. Over three days delegates learned about the latest trends in music education and we were pleased to be able to exhibit some of our quality instruments for them to examine. The overall verdict was a big "thumbs up" on quality and value from some of the country's top music education specialists. The Australian Society for Music Education (ASME) was established in 1967. Its establishment followed ...

Axiom Electric Guitars are here!
Author: David Hines
They've arrived! Our eagerly anticipated range of electric guitars has landed and we are so impressed with the quality. The finish, the hardware, the pickups - everything is superb. And the prices are amazing! The first Axiom electric guitars saw the light of day back in the early nineties. Back then the US Space Shuttle program was in full swing and we named our guitars after some of the most fanous shuttles - Challenger, Columbia and Defender. Our new range has carried on this tradition us...